03 May, 2018

You Are A Lighthouse

Sunrise, Murray River, with this fave sunbeam

I saw a quote the other day: you may be the lighthouse in someone else’s storm. It got me, because I’ve had people be a lighthouse for me, but I never thought I would be one to someone. Then, these verses came to mind: Ye are the light of the world… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:14 & 16 

I’ve always thought of them in a witnessing context. We’re to be living a godly life, that will shine in the darkness of this world, and people will think ‘Wow, what have they got?!’ and want it for themselves. That’s true, but after thinking about it for a few days, I saw another message: we need to let our lights shine because they may be the beacon of hope to someone else who’s struggling. 

There’s another quote which has also been in my thoughts: your playing small does not serve the world. I want to play small; it’s much easier. I want to be that man in one of Jesus’ parables who digs a nice sturdy hole and puts his entrusted talent inside. (Matthew 25:14-30) But that servant was useless to the master; he didn’t want him in his service any longer. The other guys in the story used their talents, and the master promoted them because he could trust them with more. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is that sometimes it’s easier - and even feels more Christian - to hide our talents and gifts; our light. We don’t want to big-note ourselves, we worry about whether the timing is right and what people will think. But it’s not actually about that: you have light and you need to shine it because it will make a difference in someone else’s life. God entrusted us with talents for the purpose of using them.

Sometimes I would like to find a shack in the bush and become a hermit; I want to stay low and be ‘normal.’ But does that serve the world? Does that bless anyone? Is hiding my light going to mean someone else hits rocks I could’ve helped them avoid? You mean, it’s selfish for me to curl up and protect my lil gifts out of fear of rejection or incapability?!

Maybe you need the reassurance like I do: You are the lighthouse in someone else’s storm. Your words or art or music or whatever it is – a text to say I’m thinking of you, a hug, helping with the dishes – might brighten someone else’s world. Playing small, toning down those talents and gifts and thoughts, doesn’t serve anyone. Embrace the gifts God has given you, and let that light shine! God made you on purpose, and as long as we try to bury that purpose we’re doing a disservice to ourselves and to others who are influenced by our lives.

In case you’re thinking ‘That’s great, but no one would ever be looking to me as their lighthouse’ let me reassure you: that’s not true. Every one of us has an influence, and we never know who’s watching us, relying on our encouragement, staying afloat because of our lives. The smallest thing you do out of habit could mean the world to someone else. You were all bright lights of encouragement to me on my previous post, and it meant so much (thank you!). Keep shining, my friends! You were given your beautiful light for a reason. xx


  1. There’s a quote I read the other day that came to mind when reading this, “Don’t shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you they can see Him.” - C.S Lewis.
    Great post, Jessica! God has given us each gifts and talents for a reason - to bring honor and glory to His name. Our words, maybe even a simple kind word, could have a impact on someone else’s life and wouldn’t even realize it. A lot of people need encouragement, and we need to shine His light to them.
    Thanks for sharing this! :)

    1. Amen! That's a great quote! That's what it's all about. :) And you're right - a lot of the time we might not ever know the difference we've made in someone's life. Let's keep pressing on, sharing hope wherever we can! Thanks for your comment, Sarah. :)

  2. Yes, can indeed be lights in other people's storms. God never makes mistakes when He leads us to cross paths with others. Every new day we see is filled with opportunities to shine our light and to let others see Jesus in us. Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder.

    Joanny :)

    1. Wow, I like that a lot: God never makes mistakes when He leads us to cross paths with others. That's so true. Thanks for your sweet comment, Joanny. :)

  3. Mmmm, you're so right. Even what we might call a "small" talent can be used in big ways by God. Thank YOU for being a light in the blogging world, Jessica! xx

    1. Aw, praise God! Thanks Emily, and that's so true: He can use anything. God's power has no limits! Thanks for your kind words. xx

  4. This is so true!!! Everything about this post! Thanks for sharing this, Jessica!

    1. Praise God, Brooklyne! You're welcome. :) Thanks for your enthusiastic comment!

  5. I love your relationship with Rachel so much. It’s so pure and the love is almost tangible.. anyway, that’s just my thoughts from all the pictures you out of her and the sweet words you write about each other. :)
    Good thoughts as well. Especially the living small part. It’s so tempting, but wrong.

    1. Aw, well, I do like her a lot. :) It's funny how she slips into my posts. It's true; we're best friends. I wish I could share her with you!
      Yes, you know what I mean. I wish it wasn't wrong, because I lack so much courage. Anyway, if God calls us to do something, He'll give the strength. :) Thanks for your comment - I hope you're going well! xx

  6. Your sweet thoughts are always beautiful, Jessica. <3 Thank you for shining your light to us!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Stephanie - all praise to Him! You are a beautiful light too; keep shining! :) xx

  7. This is so true. <3 God is constantly reminding me to be a light to those around me, to show Jesus in my actions. It's really convicted that I never know who's watching. <3
    Love you girl!

    1. Yes, that's convicting to me too! And you are a light to those around you! (Just speaking from experience, you know ;) Thanks for your comment, and keep shining, my friend! Sending love back. xx

  8. Hey, Jessica! I tagged you for the Aesthetic tag on my blog- https://imgoingonanadventure15.blogspot.com/2018/05/the-aesthetic-tag-keeping-it-real.html

    1. Hey! :) Thank you! I will answer it as soon as...I do, haha.

  9. WOW i love this. what a beautiful thought that is!
    thank you for sharing. you have a way of etching your lovely words into my heart <3

    1. Aw, thanks girl! Your sweet encouragement means so much, and you really are a lighthouse to so many. xx

  10. I think I did see those words posted somewhere, was it on your instagram? Being a lighthouse in this world is a great thing and it's often done without people knowing it. OH HOW I'VE MISSED YOUR WORDS. You are a lighthouse by sharing your thoughts with us!

    Simply Me

    1. Yes, I did post it there, haha. Good spotting! :) That's true - much of the time we never know when we may be influencing someone. Thanks so much for your kind words, Vanessa. It's lovely to hear from you!

  11. Excellent thoughts! It is indeed so much easier to hide our talents and gifts in the name of humility than to expose ourselves to the possibility of failure. Thanks this post; it got me thinking!


When you comment:

1. My day will be brighter, my face smiling, and my heart blessed.

2. I’m likely to immediately go and explore your blog (if you have one) to find out more of your amazingness, and return the blessing.

3. I will then attempt to craft a response to you that will somehow fail to convey how much I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. I’m grateful for every word of encouragement you give, and don’t be afraid to share some constructive criticism also; there’s always more to learn. In short: thank-you! :)