Would I could bring the vision closer, nearer,
And give to you a glimpse of what is mine,
Teach you to know that earth’s most cruel affliction
Is not beyond the hand of Love Divine.
J. Smith
‘And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.’ Romans 8:28
All things work together for good. All things. Earth’s most
cruel affliction is not beyond the hand of Love Divine. God doesn't just help
us get through tough times, He brings good out of them. I always thought this
‘all things working together for good’ meant
that the good that would come out of a trial or disappointment would be
some kind of earthly good, like some visitors, or a new friend, book, computer,
etc, or maybe getting to go on a holiday to the beach, or something like that.
But last weekend we were learning about rejoicing through trials and
disappointments because God uses them to help our characters grow. So the good
that comes out of our trials and disappointments may not be finding a new skirt
at a bargain price, or getting to go somewhere or to see someone- it might be
of course, those things are good too- it might be just to improve our
characters; make them more fit for heaven.
He also suggested
that instead of saying good bye to our friends by saying ‘Have a good day!’ we
should say ‘Don’t waste good problems!’
So, don’t waste good problems! Make sure you get every bit of good you
can out of them!
Hmm… Yes, I like that sentence, actually. Nice.