10 August, 2013

Why Blog?

This has been the question on my mind of late. Before I had a blog, I thought it would be great to have one. I thought I would write posts every week, no big deal; I thought I would eventually get lots of readers, and yeah. But it's not quite like that. It takes time to sit down and write a post. It gets discouraging when no one comments, and I start to wonder is it worth me blogging. There are so many other blogs out there, why am I wasting my time? My blog is nothing special compared to everyone else's. I'm not a photographer, I don't write great stories or poems, I don't have amazing insights to share on life. I wonder why I blog...

Then I read a book. A short book. It's called 'More Than Numbers. Blogging for people not stats.' and it's written by Trina Holden. It made me stop, and think. What is my reason for blogging? What is my goal, what do I hope to achieve by it? Am I just trying to get readers, followers, comments? Am I blogging for myself or for others? If I'm blogging for myself then yeah, the amount of followers I have, and comments I get mean everything. But if I'm blogging for others, they are insignificant. So long as someone, even just one person, reads my blog and is somehow blessed or encouraged or inspired, then my blog is worth it. I have ten followers at the moment. If I look at that number from a blogging-for-me perspective that is not many at all. I've seen some blogs where they have thousands of followers. But if I look at that number from a blogging-for-them perspective that is heaps! Imagine if ten people were to come to my house once a week!

Trina ends the book by saying:

Seek depth over width,
Service over fame,
Seek to bless rather than impress,
and most of all
to ignore the numbers and
seek to have Kingdom Impact with your blog. 

I want to do that. I want my blog to be a service to others. I want to bless others. To inspire them, to encourage them. I want to bless you, my readers, to inspire you, encourage you. But not like big me instructing all my little followers. Not like that at all. You aren't my followers, you are my fellowers. We're pressing together toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Phillipians 3:14)

We're in this together.


  1. hmm.. They are good thoughts. Although I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep mine up for.. no inspiration at the moment.

  2. I have to say that I really enjoy reading your blog and it is a great encouragement to me! Thank you! Even though I might not comment I look at your blog regularly! Thank you again. Miss You ~ Shanna.

    1. Thanks Shanna! Praise God, I'm glad you find something encouraging out of my blog. Miss you too. :)


When you comment:

1. My day will be brighter, my face smiling, and my heart blessed.

2. I’m likely to immediately go and explore your blog (if you have one) to find out more of your amazingness, and return the blessing.

3. I will then attempt to craft a response to you that will somehow fail to convey how much I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. I’m grateful for every word of encouragement you give, and don’t be afraid to share some constructive criticism also; there’s always more to learn. In short: thank-you! :)